
 Macau Lotus Satellite TV Media Limited is a Macau-based media company which owns six Satellite TV broadcast channels, with audience in over 50 countries and regions around the world. Over a decade, it has been producing high-quality infotainment, news, entertainment and cultural programs. Taking the helm of the “Pegasus” movie franchise, the first large scale local film production in Macau, the company aims at initiating and promoting the development of Macau movie art and culture.

 Hong Kong Unicorn Arts Limited, a subsidiary of a Hong Kong listed company (0076), is established with the mission of promoting culture, art, movie and entertainment. Working hand in hand with Macau Lotus TV in producing Macau’s first large scale local film project, they have become the new driving force in the domestic film industry. The two companies will continue to join forces in planning and producing the “Pegasus” movie series, marching forward to the world cinema.

 “Pegasus” uses wild imagination to create an unconventional superhero movie series, assembling the most appealing elements of drama, suspense, emotions, actions and special effects. Modern humans live in a world of chaos, injustice, and under the ever-present threat of nuclear warfare. The mankind, however, ignorantly neglect all the ominous signs and concern only about chasing money and fame. “On the Brink”, the first episode of the “Pegasus” film series, tells the story of Jack who defuses different kinds of crisis in order to restore justice and world peace, and at the same time, awakening the mankind to the real crisis ahead of us.